Yep! i thought it's gona be a great one day! just imagine if u can spendin ur time to havein at least 6 hours to see the greatest man of all motoGP's histories Valentino Rossi. But it just a thought, only a thought... everything was messed up when i checked his run down's schedule at the front desk, i was socked, only 35 minites?
what kinda meet & greet sesson it would gonna be? with almost hundreds, or maybe thousands people who came after him.... am gonna had the chance, i dont think so!
But that's true, and let me make it vey shortly for you. All of the fans were divided into two places the indoor area and at the parking lot. Belong to the event scheduled, He would met both of the places, but guess what? let not! He only attede the indoor area for about 30 minutes an the went ac to the hotel. Very very dissapointed, But huh what can i do the, what can we do? Nobody wanted to be blamed for it. I was haing fun, although only a few minutes seeing him. But that such an unforgetable moment that i had an these kinda reasons would't change anything about this man. Ti adoro Valentino Rossi.
Yeah itulah salah satu ungkapan cerita perjalanan seorang fans Valentino Rossi sang jawara MotoGP, mulai dari hari - hari yang dinantinya sampai pada hari H-nya yang ternyata sangat singkat kemunculannya dan itupun ada beberapa acara yang batal dari sang idola dalam menyapa semua fansnya, tapi walau kekecewaan yang didapat setidaknya ada beberapa yang terobat dengan melihat sekilas Valentino Rossi berjalan menuju tempat acara, nach ini adalah foto - foto yang berhasil tertangkap dengan kamera sebuah telephone genggam, oke selamat menimati dan semoga saja sang juara masih bisa datang ke Indonesia lagi dan mengobati para fans yang belum berhasil disapanya pada 09 Februari lalu.... he he he....