Kawasaki baru ZX750R, Tambahan “R” di belakang sesuai dengan perubahan yang dilakukan pada rem dan knalpot. Untuk memberi kesan penampilan yang lebih segar, juga dilakukan sentuhan desain pada tameng depan, indikator, dan sandaran kaki. "Z750R adalah paket impresif. Di samping itu, juga untuk memantapkan status eksklusifnya.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Kawasaki ninja 1000 baru
kembali kawasaki mengeluarkan motor baru, ninja 1000 yang lebih sempurna dari yang terdahulunya, kawasaki ninja selalu menjadi penomenal di dunia otomotif. Kawasaki ninja 1000 menjadi bagian dari keluarga motor touring, hemmm mantabs gan :)
Kawasaki meluncurkan Ninja 1000 baru yang dirancang perpaduan untuk turing , tapi dengan performa mesin yang galak. Perubahan paling mencolok dari Ninja 100 baru tampak pada fairing. Desainnya menyatu, mulai dari lampu depan sampai menutup mesin, yang dikombinasi dengan lubang angin. Begitu juga dengan tangki bensin. Ditambah dengan buka tutup gas yang halus, sangat membantu penghematan bahan bakar.
Terlebih dengan penambahan komputer merupakan sentuhan yang bagus sebagai motor turing.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Ducati Luncurkan Multistrada 1200 S Pikes Peak
Pemberian nama dan peluncuran motor ini Ducati multistrada 1200 S Peak, di karenakan Greg Tracy memenangkan balapan Pikes Peak International Hill Climb 2010, jadilah sebuah nama itu.
Ajang balap ini di mulai pada 1916, dan hingga saat ini di jadikan balapan internasional FIA dengan memperebutkan 7 kelas kategori dari 250 sampai 1200cc,” jelas Ducati yang ingin mempertahankan gelar juaranya untuk musim ini yang akan di selenggarakan Juni 2011.
Harga Ducati Dievel Rp410 Juta
Harga Ducati Dievel, Untuk jenis standart dihargai Rp410 Juta dan Premium seharga Rp475 Juta on the road, harga yang mungkin seimbang dengan keadaan motor tersebut.
Varian itu adalah Ducati Diavel. Sudah barang tentu keuatan motor gede ini di dukung dengan mesin yang berkuatan besar yang mampu mensupply motor tersebut.
"Untuk rem varian ini menggunakan rem ABS, Traction Control serta menggunakan rem brembo yang digunakan pada motor-motor balap keluaran Ducati," tambahnya.
Untuk harga, motor yang belum lama di-launcing di Shanghai, Cina, pada 25 Maret 2011 lalu ini terdapat 2 jenis.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Pulsar 220: Kaya Fitur, Harga Bersaing!
PT Bajaj Auto Indonesia (BAI) yakin, Pulsar 220 yang baru saja diluncurkan bisa bersaing di segmen premium sepeda motor nasional menghadapi Honda Tiger dan Yamaha Scorpio. Senjata utamanya, fitur yang kaya dan harga lebih kompetitif sampai Rp 6 juta-an. Pulsar 220 dibanderol Rp 18,6 juta on the road Jakarta.
Lampu Proyektor
Fitur-fitur menarik dari sepeda motor ini—beberapa di antaranya belum ditemukan pada pesaingnya—yaitu panel instrumen yang mengombinasikan peraga analog (tachometer) dan digital (speedometer). Informasi yang ditampilkan ialah dua trip meter, indikator bensin, kecepatan, saringan udara, suhu oli, volume oli, dan baterai.
Masih di panel instrumen, untuk keamanan, ditanamkan pula indikator standar samping yang menyala jika belum ditekuk ke dalam (saat berkendara). Lampu sein dilangkapi dengan sensor otomatis yang bisa mati setelah kita selesai membelokkan setang, mirip dengan yang digunakan pada mobil. Lainnya, lampu utama (headlights) bergaya proyektor mirip dengan yang digunakan mobil-mobil mewah keluaran terkini.
"Kami selalu memberikan nilai tambah lebih pada sebuah produk. Harga yang kami tetapkan untuk Pulsar 220 merupakan nilai paling pas untuk sebuah sepeda motor sport: jangan lebih mahal atau murah," papar Wakil Presiden Direktur BAI Dinesh Kulkarni.
Tanpa Kick Starter
Kendati punya banyak fitur, ternyata masih ada kebutuhan pengendara lain yang tidak dimiliki sepeda motor ini, yaitu starter kaki (kick-starter). Hampir semua sepeda motor sport di Indonesia menggunakannya. Konsumen Indonesia pun sudah terbiasa menggunakannya (terutama bila baterai soak).
sumber: otomotif.kompas.com
Lampu Proyektor
Fitur-fitur menarik dari sepeda motor ini—beberapa di antaranya belum ditemukan pada pesaingnya—yaitu panel instrumen yang mengombinasikan peraga analog (tachometer) dan digital (speedometer). Informasi yang ditampilkan ialah dua trip meter, indikator bensin, kecepatan, saringan udara, suhu oli, volume oli, dan baterai.
Masih di panel instrumen, untuk keamanan, ditanamkan pula indikator standar samping yang menyala jika belum ditekuk ke dalam (saat berkendara). Lampu sein dilangkapi dengan sensor otomatis yang bisa mati setelah kita selesai membelokkan setang, mirip dengan yang digunakan pada mobil. Lainnya, lampu utama (headlights) bergaya proyektor mirip dengan yang digunakan mobil-mobil mewah keluaran terkini.
"Kami selalu memberikan nilai tambah lebih pada sebuah produk. Harga yang kami tetapkan untuk Pulsar 220 merupakan nilai paling pas untuk sebuah sepeda motor sport: jangan lebih mahal atau murah," papar Wakil Presiden Direktur BAI Dinesh Kulkarni.
Tanpa Kick Starter
Kendati punya banyak fitur, ternyata masih ada kebutuhan pengendara lain yang tidak dimiliki sepeda motor ini, yaitu starter kaki (kick-starter). Hampir semua sepeda motor sport di Indonesia menggunakannya. Konsumen Indonesia pun sudah terbiasa menggunakannya (terutama bila baterai soak).
sumber: otomotif.kompas.com
harga motor Bajaj Pulsar 220
harga motor Bajaj Pulsar 220 Dibanderol Rp 18,6 Juta.
Pulsar 220 merupakan produk tertinggi Bajaj di pasar Indonesia yang menyasar ke segmen menengah atas, melengkapi model yang sudah ada sebelumnya, seperti Pulsar 135 XCD, 180 dan 200. "Kami terus mengembangkan Pulsar dan khusus yang 220 baru menaikkan standar, performa, dan menjadi sepeda motor terkuat dan tercepat di kelasnya," ujarnya.
Pulsar 220 akan dirakit di pabrik BAI di Cikarang, Jawa Barat, mulai tahun ini.
Pulsar 220 merupakan produk tertinggi Bajaj di pasar Indonesia yang menyasar ke segmen menengah atas, melengkapi model yang sudah ada sebelumnya, seperti Pulsar 135 XCD, 180 dan 200. "Kami terus mengembangkan Pulsar dan khusus yang 220 baru menaikkan standar, performa, dan menjadi sepeda motor terkuat dan tercepat di kelasnya," ujarnya.
Pulsar 220 akan dirakit di pabrik BAI di Cikarang, Jawa Barat, mulai tahun ini.
Rogerio Ceni kiper sekaligus pencetak gol yang handal
Rekor fantastis dicetak oleh kiper Sao Paolo, Rogerio Ceni. Dalam pertandingan melawan Corinthians, Ceni mencetak gol ke-100 dalam karier sepak bolanya. Rekor ini semakin sempurna karena berkat gol Ceni, Sao Paolo berhasil mengalahkan Corinthians dengan skor 2-1.
Seperti biasa, Ceni mencetak gol dari tendangan bebas yang memang jadi spesialisasinya. Ceni dengan sempurna mengarahkan bola ke arah kanan gawang dengan melewati pagar betis pada menit ke-54. Kiper Corinthians, Julio Cesar, yang berusaha menjangkaunya tak bisa menghadang bola.
"Ini sangat indah. Sebagai kiper, Anda tak menyerang atau berpikir mencetak gol. Namun, hal terjadi seperti yang aku inginkan, dengan tendangan bebas, dan menentukan pertandingan. Untukku, tak peduli lawan kami adalah Corinthians. Namun untuk para pendukung, ini tentu jadi sangat penting," kata Ceni yang ikut andil saat Brasil juara pada Piala Dunia 2002.
Ini merupakan gol ke-53 yang ia cetak dari tendangan bebas. Sisanya ia cetak dari titik putih. Momen yang tak mungkin dilupakan pemain berusia 38 tahun ini adalah saat mencetak 21 gol dalam satu musim bersama Sao Paolo di semua kompetisi pada tahun 2005.
FIFA sebenarnya mencatat bahwa Ceni baru mencetak 98 gol. Namun, sang pemain juga ikut menghitung dua gol yang ia cetak dalam laga persahabatan tidak resmi saat melawan gabungan Santos dan Flamengo pada tahun 1998 dan melawan tim Rusia, Uralan Elista, pada 2000. Meski demikian, ia tetap tercatat sebagai kiper pencetak gol terbanyak di dunia.
Monday, March 28, 2011
featur Suzuki boulevard
Fitur Utama, Suzuki Boulevard
Baru dual busi pada setiap silinder untuk pembakaran lebih baik dan emisi yang lebih rendah
Fitur Engine
32-bit ECM memberikan kontrol tepat waktu pengapian dan injector multi-lubang-type memastikan startup cepat dan drivability baik dalam semua kondisi
Crankshaft dirancang dengan 45? engkol offset pin untuk mengurangi getaran mesin tanpa counterbalancer untuk sebuah perjalanan lebih nyaman
Custom-bergaya knalpot dirancang untuk suara gemuruh yang dalam dan daya rpm disetel rendah
Elektronik sistem bahan bakar injeksi fitur Suzuki Dual Throttle Valve System (SDTV) - memelihara kecepatan udara optimal dalam saluran asupan untuk kelancaran rendah ke rpm pertengahan throttle respon dan output torsi tinggi - termasuk Auto Idle Cepat System (AFIS)
Lima-kecepatan transmisi memiliki gear ratio tinggi kelima untuk jalan raya santai jelajah
Bahan bakar disuntikkan, 50 inci kubik, delapan-katup, liquid-cooled, 45 derajat mesin V-twin disetel untuk daya yang luar biasa rendah rpm dan torsi
Rendah pemeliharaan poros akhir-drive sistem yang bersih-berjalan dengan reaksi torsi rendah
Berdenyut-sekunder udara memperkenalkan sistem injeksi udara ke dalam exhaust port untuk menyalakan hidrokarbon tidak terbakar dan mengurangi emisi - CA. spec. Model ini dilengkapi dengan sebuah katalis untuk pengurangan emisi lebih lanjut
Chassis Fitur
suspensi belakang Link-tipe menghubungkan ke swingarm rangka-gaya dan peredam kejut tunggal dengan penyesuaian spring preload 7-cara
Black cast aluminium rims membawa ban lebar 130/90-16 depan dan 170/80-15 ban belakang
giliran peluru gaya Bright sinyal dirancang untuk visibilitas tinggi dan penampilan menarik
Stang-dipasang speedometer bergaya untuk penampilan bersih dan diposisikan untuk visibilitas yang baik
Terbalik, garpu depan 41mm untuk melihat kinerja dan naik nyaman - satu-satunya model di kelas dengan garpu terbalik
lampu belakang LED-tipe besar dengan lensa yang jelas memberikan tampilan kustom modern
Panjang, lebar 4,1 galon tangki bahan bakar lancar mengalir kembali ke pengisi bahan bakar kursi-menarik mengangkat termasuk lampu indikator untuk sinyal gilirannya, balok tinggi dan bahan bakar rendah
Low-rise setang dipasang pada anak tangga menarik kembali memberikan jangkauan yang nyaman bagi pengendara dan kenyamanan meningkat sekitar kota atau di jalan raya
Powerfull multi-reflektor lampu bertempat di kasus yang menarik dengan gaya rim lampu - lampu mati saat startup untuk mengurangi beban pada baterai
fender depan Sharp-bermata-bergaya menambah tampilan yang bersih dari front end, sementara fender belakang bob-ekor menambah garis-garis yang mengalir di belakang
rem cakram depan tunggal dengan rotor 300mm besar untuk performa pengereman yang kuat
frame Soft-tail-style menciptakan garis yang mengalir terus menerus dari lampu, melalui kursi tangki bahan bakar, dan fender belakang
Standar 4-arah darurat flasher dan high-beam melewati switch
Wide, kursi yang nyaman dengan ketinggian tempat duduk rendah - kursi penumpang dapat dihapus untuk penampilan bemper belakang nongol
Baru dual busi pada setiap silinder untuk pembakaran lebih baik dan emisi yang lebih rendah
Fitur Engine
32-bit ECM memberikan kontrol tepat waktu pengapian dan injector multi-lubang-type memastikan startup cepat dan drivability baik dalam semua kondisi

Custom-bergaya knalpot dirancang untuk suara gemuruh yang dalam dan daya rpm disetel rendah
Elektronik sistem bahan bakar injeksi fitur Suzuki Dual Throttle Valve System (SDTV) - memelihara kecepatan udara optimal dalam saluran asupan untuk kelancaran rendah ke rpm pertengahan throttle respon dan output torsi tinggi - termasuk Auto Idle Cepat System (AFIS)
Lima-kecepatan transmisi memiliki gear ratio tinggi kelima untuk jalan raya santai jelajah
Bahan bakar disuntikkan, 50 inci kubik, delapan-katup, liquid-cooled, 45 derajat mesin V-twin disetel untuk daya yang luar biasa rendah rpm dan torsi
Rendah pemeliharaan poros akhir-drive sistem yang bersih-berjalan dengan reaksi torsi rendah
Berdenyut-sekunder udara memperkenalkan sistem injeksi udara ke dalam exhaust port untuk menyalakan hidrokarbon tidak terbakar dan mengurangi emisi - CA. spec. Model ini dilengkapi dengan sebuah katalis untuk pengurangan emisi lebih lanjut
Chassis Fitur
suspensi belakang Link-tipe menghubungkan ke swingarm rangka-gaya dan peredam kejut tunggal dengan penyesuaian spring preload 7-cara
Black cast aluminium rims membawa ban lebar 130/90-16 depan dan 170/80-15 ban belakang
giliran peluru gaya Bright sinyal dirancang untuk visibilitas tinggi dan penampilan menarik
Stang-dipasang speedometer bergaya untuk penampilan bersih dan diposisikan untuk visibilitas yang baik
Terbalik, garpu depan 41mm untuk melihat kinerja dan naik nyaman - satu-satunya model di kelas dengan garpu terbalik
lampu belakang LED-tipe besar dengan lensa yang jelas memberikan tampilan kustom modern
Panjang, lebar 4,1 galon tangki bahan bakar lancar mengalir kembali ke pengisi bahan bakar kursi-menarik mengangkat termasuk lampu indikator untuk sinyal gilirannya, balok tinggi dan bahan bakar rendah
Low-rise setang dipasang pada anak tangga menarik kembali memberikan jangkauan yang nyaman bagi pengendara dan kenyamanan meningkat sekitar kota atau di jalan raya
Powerfull multi-reflektor lampu bertempat di kasus yang menarik dengan gaya rim lampu - lampu mati saat startup untuk mengurangi beban pada baterai
fender depan Sharp-bermata-bergaya menambah tampilan yang bersih dari front end, sementara fender belakang bob-ekor menambah garis-garis yang mengalir di belakang
rem cakram depan tunggal dengan rotor 300mm besar untuk performa pengereman yang kuat
frame Soft-tail-style menciptakan garis yang mengalir terus menerus dari lampu, melalui kursi tangki bahan bakar, dan fender belakang
Standar 4-arah darurat flasher dan high-beam melewati switch
Wide, kursi yang nyaman dengan ketinggian tempat duduk rendah - kursi penumpang dapat dihapus untuk penampilan bemper belakang nongol
Boulevard M50 spesifikasi
Boulevard M50 spesifikasi
Brakes Front Disc brake Disc brake
Brakes Rear Drum brake Drum brake
Color Black/White, Orange/Black Black
Curb Weight 265 kg (584 lbs) 265 kg (584 lbs)
Final Drive Shaft Drive Shaft Drive
Fuel Tank Capacity 15.5 L (4.1/3.4 US/Imp gal) 15.5 L (4.1/3.4 US/Imp gal)
Ground Clearance 140 mm (5.5 in) 140 mm (5.5 in)
Overall Length 2395 mm (94.3 in) 2395 mm (94.3 in)
Overall Width 920 mm (36.2 in) 920 mm (36.2 in)
Seat Height 700 mm (27.6 in) 700 mm (27.6 in)
Suspension Front Inverted telescopic, coil spring, oil damped Inverted telescopic, coil spring, oil damped
Suspension Rear Link type, coil spring, oil damped Link type, coil spring, oil damped
Tires Front 130/90-16M/C 67H, tubeless 130/90-16M/C 67H, tubeless
Tires Rear 170/80-15M/C 77H, tubeless 170/80-15M/C 77H, tubeless
Transmission 5-speed constant mesh 5-speed constant mesh
Wheelbase 1655 mm (65.2 in) 1655 mm (65.2 in)
Bore Stroke 83.0 mm (3.268 in) x 74.4 mm (2.929 in) 83.0 mm (3.268 in) x 74.4 mm (2.929 in)
Compression Ratio 9.4 : 1 9.4 : 1
Engine 805 cc (49.1 cu. in), 4-stroke, liquid-cooled, OHC, 45-degree V-twin 805 cc (49.1 cu. in), 4-stroke, liquid-cooled, OHC, 45-degree V-twin
Fuel System Fuel injection Fuel injection
Ignition Electronic ignition (Transistorized) Electronic ignition (Transistorized)
Lubrication Wet sump Wet sump
Starter Electric Electric
sumber: www.suzukicycles.com
Brakes Front Disc brake Disc brake
Brakes Rear Drum brake Drum brake
Color Black/White, Orange/Black Black
Curb Weight 265 kg (584 lbs) 265 kg (584 lbs)
Final Drive Shaft Drive Shaft Drive
Fuel Tank Capacity 15.5 L (4.1/3.4 US/Imp gal) 15.5 L (4.1/3.4 US/Imp gal)
Ground Clearance 140 mm (5.5 in) 140 mm (5.5 in)
Overall Length 2395 mm (94.3 in) 2395 mm (94.3 in)
Overall Width 920 mm (36.2 in) 920 mm (36.2 in)
Seat Height 700 mm (27.6 in) 700 mm (27.6 in)
Suspension Front Inverted telescopic, coil spring, oil damped Inverted telescopic, coil spring, oil damped
Suspension Rear Link type, coil spring, oil damped Link type, coil spring, oil damped
Tires Front 130/90-16M/C 67H, tubeless 130/90-16M/C 67H, tubeless
Tires Rear 170/80-15M/C 77H, tubeless 170/80-15M/C 77H, tubeless
Transmission 5-speed constant mesh 5-speed constant mesh
Wheelbase 1655 mm (65.2 in) 1655 mm (65.2 in)
Bore Stroke 83.0 mm (3.268 in) x 74.4 mm (2.929 in) 83.0 mm (3.268 in) x 74.4 mm (2.929 in)
Compression Ratio 9.4 : 1 9.4 : 1
Engine 805 cc (49.1 cu. in), 4-stroke, liquid-cooled, OHC, 45-degree V-twin 805 cc (49.1 cu. in), 4-stroke, liquid-cooled, OHC, 45-degree V-twin
Fuel System Fuel injection Fuel injection
Ignition Electronic ignition (Transistorized) Electronic ignition (Transistorized)
Lubrication Wet sump Wet sump
Starter Electric Electric
sumber: www.suzukicycles.com
Suzuki Boulevard M50Z
Suzuki Boulevard M50Z menawarkan cruiser otot tak tertandingi styling bersama dengan suntikan sehat teknologi Suzuki. Hal pertama yang menyerang Anda adalah desain keras-ekor, yang - berkat sistem suspensi canggih belakang - menyediakan perjalanan yang nyaman dan responsif. Suzuki Boulevard M50Z memiliki kinerja untuk mencocokkan citra. Apa lagi, M50Z penghargaan Anda dengan penanganan garing dan naik sangat nyaman di sekitar kota atau keluar di jalan raya terbuka.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
MotoGP 2011 Qatar
The 2011 MotoGP premier class season got off to a predictable start at Losail on Sunday night, with four of the top five spots going to HRC machines. Casey Stoner, who has been fast since setting foot bum on his RC212V in Valencia last November, qualified on the pole, jousted with Pedrosa for the first half of the race, and then left the diminutive Spaniard in his wake for Honda’s first season opening win since 2003. Defending world champion Jorge Lorenzo ran about as well as he could, and seemed delighted to finish second. Was this possibly the entire 2011 season in microcosm?
As 2010 showed us, it is unwise to draw too many conclusions from one race, especially if that race is the season opener, run at night in some feudal middle east sheikdom, on a track that is similar to only two or three others on the entire circuit. (before I forget, what were the brolly girls shielding the riders from at 9:00 at night?) The MotoGP winter testing program had been pointing toward a successful campaign for Honda in 2011, and tonight’s race did nothing to dispel that notion.
Stoner, Lorenzo and Pedrosa started from the front row and took the early lead, although Pedrosa didn’t show us his patented rocket-like start from last year. The three were quickly joined by Dovizioso and Simoncelli, and these five riders held onto the top five spots all the way to the finish. For a few laps it looked as though Pedrosa wanted to run away from the field, but Stoner reeled him in on Lap 12, and Lorenzo, fighting to stay relevant, came back from third position to pass Pedrosa on Lap 15. He did not appear seriously interested in trying to chase down Stoner, and so that was that.
At the Top of the Food Chain, it’s All Honda and Yamaha …
Honda is LOADED this year, with at least four riders capable of the podium, compared to two at Yamaha and (perhaps) one at Ducati. Andrea Dovizioso, wearing Repsol orange, took all evening before finally outdueling Marco “Weird Al” Simoncelli, in his flashy San Carlo colors, for a more-than-usually-interesting 4th place finish. Dovizioso should have “Forgotten Man” stitched into the seat of his leathers this season, as Stoner and Pedrosa clearly have captured the world’s attention. However, I expect both Dovi and Simoncelli on a few podiums this season, assuming Simoncelli’s rugged riding style doesn’t land him in traction.
The factory Yamaha team, in any other year, might feel very good about itself, but not this year. True, Lorenzo is his smooth, effortless self, and will likely battle Stoner, and Pedrosa, for the 2011 title all the way to Valencia. Teammate Ben Spies, who finished a respectable 6th tonight, is a keeper who will continue to improve this year, and will likely see a few podiums himself. One of the highlights of tonight’s race was Spies’ short battle with Valentino Rossi, won by the American.
… while Trouble Abounds at the Bottom
The concerns surrounding the Ducati garages heading into tonight’s fray were fully intact coming out. Rossi, battling his still-healing shoulder as well as the Desmosedici, managed a 7th place finish, but appeared to be working terribly hard for such a, um, nondescript result. Teammate Nicky Hayden, far from challenging Rossi for supremacy in the factory garage, dawdled his way to a 13th place start, but managed to pass a few weaklings during the race, finishing 9th. Hector Barbera, on his newly painted GP11, found something in qualifying and started 6th, but steadily lost whatever it was and ended up 12th, finally getting aced at the finish line by happy rookie Cal Crutchlow in the Monster Tech 3 satellite Yamaha.
Across the tracks at the Pramac garage, where last year someone thought it would be a good idea to drop Aleix Espargaro and Mika Kallio in favor of Randy de Puniet and Loris Capirossi, tonight’s race became a laugh riot early on. De Puniet attempted to go through rather aggressively on teammate Capirossi on Lap 1. In the process, he: 1) crashed heavily, getting a booboo on his knee, and 2) smacked the clutch lever on Capirossi’s bike, such that it embossed the fingers on his left hand, causing his eventual painful retirement on Lap 2. Rookie Karel Abraham, riding his dad’s GP12, did manage to keep it upright, and was the last rider to cross the finish line for what promises NOT to be the last time this season.
The Rizla Suzuki Girls wish Alvaro Bautista a speedy recovery.
As a result of Alvaro Bautista’s practice crash on Friday, in which he broke his thigh bone, tonight’s race was the first MotoGP premier class race since 1974 NOT to feature a Suzuki in the starting lineup. Bautista’s injury is potentially game-changing problem for shaky Suzuki program that was showing flashes of, um, hope in testing. Unfortunately, he had run 16th in FP1, 14th in FP2, and was 16th in FP3 when he crashed. (If he is prone to such acts, Loris Capirossi is probably sniggering in the general direction of his former Japanese masters. However, after running 13th, 15th and 10th in these same practices and qualifying 14th, ol’ Capirex doesn’t have a whole lot of room to snigger at anyone.) American John Hopkins has been tagged to fill in for Bautista while he recovers. Hopkins, who rode Suzukis in the premier class between 2003 and 2007, was last seen accumulating 57 points for Kawasaki in the 2008 season.
Random Thoughts
The one Honda rider who DOES NOT yet have it together this season is Toni Elias. Fresh off his inaugural Moto2 title last season, he regained his premier class seat this year with LCR racing, which chose him over Randy de Puniet. Despite his long history riding Hondas and his success at Moto2, he has been unable to generate any speed at all this year. Unsurprisingly, he qualified last on Saturday and crashed out of last place on Lap 19, putting an end to his misery for this night.
Speaking of De Puniet, it would be remiss of me not to note that he qualified (11th) ahead of where he finished again tonight (DNF).
Early last season, when Rossi got hurt, I prematurely awarded the builder’s trophy to Honda, which they then promptly turned around and lost, again, to the Yamahas. Is it too early to award the 2011 trophy to Honda?
For those interested in the junior MotoGP classes, Stefan Bradl took the Moto2 contest in a strong effort, while Nicolas Terol, free from the mojo of Marc Marquez, who graduated to Moto2 after his 2010 title, took the win tonight in the 125 class.
As 2010 showed us, it is unwise to draw too many conclusions from one race, especially if that race is the season opener, run at night in some feudal middle east sheikdom, on a track that is similar to only two or three others on the entire circuit. (before I forget, what were the brolly girls shielding the riders from at 9:00 at night?) The MotoGP winter testing program had been pointing toward a successful campaign for Honda in 2011, and tonight’s race did nothing to dispel that notion.
Honda is LOADED this year, with at least four riders capable of the podium, compared to two at Yamaha and (perhaps) one at Ducati. Andrea Dovizioso, wearing Repsol orange, took all evening before finally outdueling Marco “Weird Al” Simoncelli, in his flashy San Carlo colors, for a more-than-usually-interesting 4th place finish. Dovizioso should have “Forgotten Man” stitched into the seat of his leathers this season, as Stoner and Pedrosa clearly have captured the world’s attention. However, I expect both Dovi and Simoncelli on a few podiums this season, assuming Simoncelli’s rugged riding style doesn’t land him in traction.
The concerns surrounding the Ducati garages heading into tonight’s fray were fully intact coming out. Rossi, battling his still-healing shoulder as well as the Desmosedici, managed a 7th place finish, but appeared to be working terribly hard for such a, um, nondescript result. Teammate Nicky Hayden, far from challenging Rossi for supremacy in the factory garage, dawdled his way to a 13th place start, but managed to pass a few weaklings during the race, finishing 9th. Hector Barbera, on his newly painted GP11, found something in qualifying and started 6th, but steadily lost whatever it was and ended up 12th, finally getting aced at the finish line by happy rookie Cal Crutchlow in the Monster Tech 3 satellite Yamaha.
Random Thoughts
The one Honda rider who DOES NOT yet have it together this season is Toni Elias. Fresh off his inaugural Moto2 title last season, he regained his premier class seat this year with LCR racing, which chose him over Randy de Puniet. Despite his long history riding Hondas and his success at Moto2, he has been unable to generate any speed at all this year. Unsurprisingly, he qualified last on Saturday and crashed out of last place on Lap 19, putting an end to his misery for this night.
Speaking of De Puniet, it would be remiss of me not to note that he qualified (11th) ahead of where he finished again tonight (DNF).
For those interested in the junior MotoGP classes, Stefan Bradl took the Moto2 contest in a strong effort, while Nicolas Terol, free from the mojo of Marc Marquez, who graduated to Moto2 after his 2010 title, took the win tonight in the 125 class.
Stoner wins season-opening race in Qatar
Stoner learnt from his mistake of last year, when he started from pole only to crash on lap six, by letting Honda team-mate Pedrosa move ahead early on and even permitted reigning world champion Lorenzo to lead briefly after the Yamaha rider overtook both Hondas.
Stoner moved ahead on the second lap followed by Pedrosa, who went on to lead from laps seven to 12 before before being reeled in during a battle between the Spaniards and the Australian.
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Stoner finished 3.440sec ahead of Lorenzo to give Honda their first win in the opening round of the season in eight years.The Australian, who had already won here in 2008 and 2009, thereby claimed the 31st victory of his career.
Reigning Moto2 champion Toni Elias of Spain, who has stepped up to MotoGP this season, had a nightmare race, from his start at the back of the grid to his fall at the end of the race.
Stoner was ecstatic with the brilliant start he's made to life with his new team.
"Testing has all gone well and this weekend we've felt more and more comfortable with the bike and the settings," he told BBC Sport.
"I didn't make the best start and I was a bit worried about people overtaking from behind on the first laps. When I felt comfortable I decided to start moving forward.
"Everything felt good, and as soon as I felt I was able to do a quicker lap than Dani I went for it."
Lorenzo was delighted to have split the Honda duo, saying the result was "maybe the best race of my life."
Pedrosa blamed his decline during the race on injury.
"I was going very good at the beginning but in the middle of the race I had problems with my left arm and couldn't keep control," he said.
"Finally I couldn't use the clutch for shifting as I couldn't hold the grip. I have a problem with this arm and have to fix it somehow."
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Internazionale FC (Inter Milan)
Internazionale Milano, atau yang biasa dikenal sebagai Inter Milan berdiri pada 9 Maret 1908. Klub ini merupakan pecahan dari AC Milan yang berusia sembilan tahun lebih tua.
Latar belakang berdirinya klub ini adalah kegerahan atas dominasi pemain lokal di AC Milan. Sekelompok orang Italia dan Swiss pun akhirnya membentuk klub sendiri yang kemudian bernama Inter Milan.
Sejak dibentuk, klub ini terbuka untuk semua pemain dari negara lain. Tahun kedua mengikuti kompetisi Serie A, Inter yang bermaterikan pemain asing dan Italia langsung menjadi kampiun.
Inter juga sempat berganti nama menjadi Ambrosiana SS Milano selama era fasisme di Italia setelah bergabung dengan Milanese Unione Sportiva pada tahun 1928. Bahkan setahun kemudian presiden klub terpilih Oreste Simonotti mematenkan nama Inter menjadi AS Ambrosiana di tahun 1929.
Meski demikian fans Inter tetap memanggil klub kesayangan mereka itu dengan panggilan yang sama seperti dulu dan pada akhirnya pada tahun 1931, presiden baru Inter Ferdinando Pozzani mengubahnya lagi menjadi AS Ambrosiana-Inter. Setelah akhir Perang Dunia II, nama tersebut dihapus dan kemudian diganti ke nama awal, Internazionale FC Milano dan dipertahankan hingga saat ini.
Puncak prestasi Nerazzurri terjadi pada musim 2009/10 ketika meraih treble (gelar juara Serie A, Coppa Italia dan Liga Champions) di bawah asuhan Jose Mourinho yang kemudian hengkang ke Real Madrid.
18 kali juara Serie A: 1909/10, 1919/20, 1929/30, 1937/38, 1939/40, 1952/53, 1953/54, 1962/63, 1964/65, 1965/66, 1970/71, 1979/80, 1988/89, 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10
6 kali juara Coppa Italia: 1938/39, 1977/78, 1981/82, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2009/10
5 kali juara SuperCoppa Italia: 1989, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010
3 kali juara Piala Eropa/Liga Champions: 1963/64, 1964/65, 2009/10
3 kali Juara Piala UEFA/Liga Europa: 1990/91, 1993/94, 1997/98
2 kali juara Piala Interkontinental: 1964, 1965
6 kali juara Coppa Italia: 1938/39, 1977/78, 1981/82, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2009/10
5 kali juara SuperCoppa Italia: 1989, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010
3 kali juara Piala Eropa/Liga Champions: 1963/64, 1964/65, 2009/10
3 kali Juara Piala UEFA/Liga Europa: 1990/91, 1993/94, 1997/98
2 kali juara Piala Interkontinental: 1964, 1965
Friday, March 25, 2011
The Ducati Roadshow hits the North West.
The 2011 Ducati Roadshow coming to St Annes and Rivington Barn.
Join The Ducati Roadshow truck at Fylde Bike Night, Monday 2nd May in St. Annes and at Rivington Barn, Bolton on Sunday 8th May 2011. Ducati Manchester and DMC Moto (Preston) will be there along with the all new 2011 Ducati Demonstrator Fleet. Bring your license and join us for some great riding experiences.
(Need to bring credit card to swipe in case you damage the bike and both parts of your license if new style. Riders must be over the age of 21 and have held a full UK license for over 2 years)
Join The Ducati Roadshow truck at Fylde Bike Night, Monday 2nd May in St. Annes and at Rivington Barn, Bolton on Sunday 8th May 2011. Ducati Manchester and DMC Moto (Preston) will be there along with the all new 2011 Ducati Demonstrator Fleet. Bring your license and join us for some great riding experiences.
(Need to bring credit card to swipe in case you damage the bike and both parts of your license if new style. Riders must be over the age of 21 and have held a full UK license for over 2 years)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
2011 Triumph Daytona 675R

Triumph Daytona 600 Side View On Street
Taken out on the street in London by Nathan Lee, November 2007.
Triumph Rocket III e intimo di cotone
La Triumph Rocket III è decisamente una moto decisamente singolare, di cui tempo fa vi abbiamo mostrato anche un simpatico video.
Oggi invece associamo questa due ruote “tutta muscoli” con la delicatezza dell’intimo di cotone indossato dalla bella biondina che vedete.
holi wallpapers
Give your pc a colorful look on this march 2009 with the free Holi desktop wallpapers at 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1280x768 resolution. The main festive event of happy Holi is a carnival of colors. On this day, children and adults get the colorful water balloons and hit each other and play with colors.

jadwal moto GP 2011
2011 MotoGP CALENDAR, DATE GRAND PRIX CIRCUIT20 March, Commercialbank Grand Prix of Qatar Losail3 April, Gran Premio bwin de España Jerez24 April, Grand Prix of Japan Twin Ring Motegi1 May, bwin Grande Prémio de Portugal Estoril15 May, Monster Energy Grand Prix de France Le Mans5 June, Gran Premi Aperol de Catalunya Circuit de Catalunya12 June, AirAsia British Grand Prix Silverstone25 June, TT
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